I just had a GREAT conversation with my best friend Kim MacLaren. She is my bundle of inspiration and in EVERY conversation, she is encouraging. I LOVE talking to her. I love being with her. She is my confidant, my BFF, as the kids say. When we are together...look out world!

We have fun. Our parents take a deep breath when they know we are together! We laugh, we hug, we have quiet times, we celebrate, we have times of sadness. We just love spending time together.
We got talking about this 'challenge' and during the course of our conversation, she commented that the last week or so, a consistant theme from so many women was, "we are trying to make a change, trying to make healthier choices trying the latest diet or the latest exercise. Maybe this will work this time."
My thoughts? It is important to put at least some effort into being healty and fit. However, we can work all we want to look GREAT on the outside but we need to take a breath and ask ourselves, "WHO are we doing this for?" Whatever we do, we need to do it for us. Not for 'them' but for 'us'. We need to find that 'why' - that incredibly personal piece of inspiration that will motivate us!
Taking this one step deeper, we can do whatever it takes to look good outside but how are we on the inside? I'm not just talking about eating healthy, but are we 'fit' inside - our whole being. Mentally, Emotionally and Physically. Let me throw this out there and try to explain what I mean. I saw a post today and it rang loud and clear in my ears..
We need to be so careful what we say to others; in fun, in jest, in anger, in bitterness, in jealousy, in the spur of the moment, etc. Our words can cut so deeply that apologizing sometimes just feels like a band aid. the wound may eventually heal, but the scar tissue is deep.
Let me talk for a moment how it can effect the one on the receiving end of those negative words. We can carry hurtful words with us for years. It can affect our whole world. It can affect our relationships. It can affect how we treat our kids, parents, friends, spouse. It can affect our attitude throughout our entire life. It can affect our perspective. IF we let it.
We need to do whatever it takes to get rid of the baggage we drag behind us. Talk to someone. Find a BFF to connect with. Fill your mind with positive, encouraging books, blogs, or cds. I remember hearing as a kid, garbage in - garbage out. The opposite is also true, positive in - positive out.
What really matters is living a life that is good on the inside —
I want to flip the coin on this one and spend a few moments on "How we speak to ourselves." We carry our own words forever. Those words replay in our minds all day and all night.You want to talk about the wounds still being there at 10 years? More like forever! If you said to your friend what you contiually tell yourself, most likely they would punch you in the mouth! So why do we allow ourselves to say these negative things? Why do we beat ourselves up? Our lives are surrounded by negative all day; at work, co-workers, the radio, the news, television, books, movies and magazines!
Not long ago, I sat in the middle of the mall for just a few moments, people watching. WOW! The SCOWLS on faces could scare ya! Negativity and sadness was everywhere! Please don't throw yourself onto that pile!
Our words have power. I honestly believe what we say, WILL happen. If you tell yourself you are sick long enough, you will become sick! If we tell ourselves we are failures, that we can't do anything right, you are most likely prophesying your future as those words will resound in our hearts and minds forever.

For the next 3 weeks, let's pause before we say something negative, and spin it for something positive.Wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and say, Hey Gorgeous! You are going to have a great day! Let's get rid of things that negativity in our lives. No negative talk and for the rest of your day let's stay positive. We will be thrown every curve ball know to man-kind! It will be tough! But today is the day! We start today!
For every Goal/Dream, there is a Struggle which leads to Victory. After 21 days, a habit will be formed. Filling our minds and hearts with positive, the negative HAS to go - there is only so much room in there!
I have heard through the grapevine that others have tried to comment on the blog posts and are having trouble. I'm not getting those comments! So please - email me than I'm sure to get it. sherri.prankard@gmail.com I would love to hear your stories and thoughts, success stories and what has worked for you! Or tell me about a friend that has encouraged you, inspired you. Brag about them! Share with me a story that you think may help others and I can include it in the blog.
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