Thursday, 27 February 2014

Thought about stopping

Have you ever wanted to give up or quit?  Yup, me too.
I've also said, "I'll try. But if it doesn't work out in 6 months.. I'm out! "
My good friend Claude Hamilton says "what if we tried that attitude with pregnancy?" Five months in,  I'm so sick, tired and fat.. I'm done.  That baby isn't arriving until they are ready,  doesn't matter how you feel about it!

There is no try, only DO.

Setting our feelings and wants aside, there is one question, who is watching?  EVERYBODY!  I know what you're are saying  ...  "I don't care what people are thinking". You are right,  I don't either. But that isn't what I said.  The key word is "watching".  If we set a goal or a promise or a committment,  they are watching if we will cross that finish line. The cheerleaders AND the critics.

In my journey today,  my kids are watching,  especially my girls.  Mom set a goal for weight loss and to feel beautiful in that swimsuit.  And,  to apply for the LA Vie En Rose Aqua Brand Ambassador,  at my age and physique.  Yes.. I'm up  against the 20 something's where their body has not been put through childbearing,  five times!

What kind of example am I showing my kids if I give up? I'm telling them when it gets hard or feels impossible, to give up. Throw in the towel.  We can't give up.  We have to keep going.  Never quit.  We live in an drive thru society and with that comes instant thinking.  We don't take the time to think things through.  I'm not talking weeks or months,  just longer than a moment.  It took me a few days to decide if I wanted to take on this challenge. No one forced me. I had to think of the commitments it would take.  I'm not ancient but I'm not 20 anymore either.  I have the battle scares to prove it!  I need to do this for me. I couldn't make the decision flippantly, my kids are watching.  Yes they see me fall,  but they see me get back up and try again.  We are what our parents were.  Our kids will be what we are. Our grandchildren will be what our kids are!  This goes on for generations.  If you don't like what you are or where you are or where your life is going.  CHANGE. Your kids are watching.They will do what you do. If you don't have children of your own,  I can probably bet you have a neice or nephew or a friends child that is watching you and you may not even realize it.

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in determination.  Tommy Lasorda

Our kids are watching.  They need us to show them what it takes to win.  We need to be the example of how to succeed in life,  marriage and relationships not Hollywood. I want my kid's to look at my husband and I as their Heros,  not look up to their favorite sports athlete or superhero. I want the dash between my birth date and my death date... my DASH...  to count in my children's life.

I'm not going to give up!  I have made a commitment to myself and my children are watching my struggle turn into my victory.

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