Monday, 17 March 2014

I Have A Choice

I'm not going to lie; I am disappointed.

Following the Twitter hashtag, #LVERaquaContest yesterday morning, I discovered that La Vie En Rose had contacted the three finalists for their Aqua Brand Ambassador contest. I was not one of them.
My sincere congratulations goes out to the three finalists - I think that this will be an amazing opportunity for them - and so I wish each of them the best of luck.

My disappointment comes for two reasons and is accompanied by a choice.

When I first started this journey to become the brand ambassador for La Vie En Rose's swimwear line, Aqua, I really thought it was a long-shot. The more I worked out, blogged and thought about it however, the more I believed I could actually be a finalist in this contest. I met all the qualifications and was pursuing it with great energy on my social networks. As the date of the announcement grew closer, I thought for sure I would get a call.

The second reason for my disappointment is a little deeper than just not winning. My thoughts and hopes were, coming into this contest, that the brand would take a more thoughtful approach to their future advertising and marketing campaigns. All of La Vie En Rose's ads feature young women with beautiful, flawless bodies (and yes - I understand they are selling lingerie and swimwear). However, every time I visit one of their stores, I see women my age and older shopping. We are their clientele, and I was hoping that they would choose a brand ambassador who would reflect the ideals and character of not only the store, but of the women who shop there.
I hope that doesn't come across as "sour grapes". I simply believe that they could have chosen an older woman (not necessarily even me) as one of their top three finalists to represent the demographic that is most likely to support their brand. Women whose bodies have been through the trauma of child-birth, women who have experienced both the pleasure and pain of life and relationships, women who want to be told they are beautiful when they least feel it. I really think they missed an opportunity.

I have a choice to make - I can be bitter
I can choose to become better.

My journey is not over. This blog is titled "Meema's Transformation". I am not done. I have not arrived. Today I will become better than I was yesterday; Body, Mind and Spirit. Mine is a journey of transformation, and transformation is not a destination, it is a process.

I hope you continue to join me on this journey. I believe that as each of us focus on becoming beautiful from the inside out, the world in turn will become just that much more beautiful.

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