Jackie Lewis' life; "it's all or nothing!"
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." Jackie Lewis
I heard a story from Laurie Woodward about The Dash. That little line between our date of birth and date of death. That little dash is so significant. Jackie's dash could circle our globe quite a few times. She made her dash count! She had touched more hearts in her short time than is possible to even imagine.
"I don't believe in circumstances. The people who really make it in this world are the ones who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can't find them, they make them". Jackie Lewis
Jackie Lewis wasn't feeling well last weekend. Going to the hospital they thought it was a bug bite from Puerto Rico not long ago. Her vital signs became grim. Her brain began to swell and would not respond to medication. They transferred her to the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, giving her access to some of the best physicians in the country. The doctors worked hard to save her. Machines were now keeping her alive. With Bill holding his four children, Jacob, Eli, Bella and Nemo, by her side they said goodbye to their mom and loving wife for the last time.
It's so hard to think about it. She wasn't in an accident. She wasn't terminally ill. We saw her just two weeks ago, full of laughter and a love for LIFE!
I have learned so many life lessons from Jackie. Her legacy will live on in all of us whom she inspired to strive to be beautiful and strong on the inside.
"A candle loses nothing when it lights another candle" Thomas Jefferson
Jackie lit many candles in her lifetime. Following her lead, we now keep that candle lit and find others that need that light.
You can read posts and memories from hundreds of people Jackie Lewis inspired.
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