We overcome obstacles everyday. When we see the word 'obstacle' what do you think of? A mountain? An actual obstacle course? A locked door? A storm?
I think of an obstacle as a hurdle. I am so amazed with the athletic hurdle races. During the Summer Olympics, they jump over the hurdles so fast and with such ease. Some of our personal obstacles might be so small that we leap over like that athlete. Other obstacles can halt us in our tracks. I just envisioned my two year old grandson running up to one of those hurdles...he would stop for a moment, looking over his options and run under it!
What are some obstacles that we could be facing?
Your surroundings
Fear of failure
Fear of getting your hopes up
Bad habits
Not wanting to change
Low self-esteem
Your past
A family member or a friend
When we allow an obstacle to take control, it can be very overwhelming and frustrating. Worse yet, it is so hard to move forward with all that weight on your back.
From the list above, pick one obstacle that you may be facing today. Or make note of an obstacle that isn't listed. What is the common denominator? YOU; and only YOU can take on that obstacle. There are so many times I want to help my spouse or child with an obstacle in their life. But they have to battle it out! It's a one on one battle. Surround yourself with those that will encourage, uplift and cheer you on, but this battle is yours!
I am a visual learner. This picture came to my mind.
Pick up a brick and name it. I don't mean a person's name, we don't want a pet rock to keep or treasure. Write the 'obstacle' on that brick and place it in the backpack and put it on your back. At first, the backpack isn't too heavy. It's bearable. But it certainly weighs more than an empty backpack. If you carry that brick around, everyday, that backpack eventually will feel heavier. Your shoulders start to ache and then your back. Then maybe your legs start to feel that extra weight. One horrible thought! We usually never carry around just ONE brick. We have the potential to carry many bricks at one time. The backpack becomes heavier. Our steps become shorter and sluggish. We hunch over and round our backs to try and even out the weight. If you were trying to run a marathon, who would cross the finish line first? The one that has an empty backpack or full one? I know, not a brilliant question. So why do we walk around trying to run for goals or get to the finish line with a backpack filled with bricks! No wonder we walk around looking so tired and weary!

Have you ever sat on the edge of your bed at night, too tired to even think about getting into your pjs? Completely exhausted from the day, but felt like you didn't DO anything? I've been there, ALOT! You try and make a mental list of all the things you accomplished and, well, you got dressed that day!
That's my obstacle. My calendar, time.
As I have mentioned before, I'm a mom of five amazing kids! Meema (grandma) of three of the sweetest and cutest children on this planet! (yes, I'm too young to be a Meema) and a wife to my best friend. I'm busy. I'm working. I'm a taxi. Never mind housework that desperately needs throwing in there! I'm a MOM. And the first step to freedom is admitting the problem or in this case the obstacle. My calendar controls me. It tells me where I need to be and at what time. THEN!
Call me crazy! I add on ONE MORE thing to my calendar of things to do. My challenge, to apply to become the
Brand Ambassador for La Vie En Rose Aqua. Before I will even submit my application, I have some goals I need to reach. I have to exercise daily, try to eat healthier meals, which needs planning and a focus.
I need to get in control of my calendar, not my calendar controlling me. At the end of the day, when my calendar has been my boss, I am frustrated and I should tweet #FAIL because that is how I feel. There were SO many things I needed to do, things I needed to accomplish.
How can I deal with this obstacle?
Well, I found a friend that I KNOW has mastered her time. She has three babies under the age of four and a newborn arriving in August! And she is stress-free, ALL the time. She is in control of her time. She suggested I read a book on time management. Until I have completed that book, so that I can feel like I can 'check' off things, I put everything in my calendar. And I mean everything. Even the time to read my book. Or call someone. If there is a task I want to do, it's in the calendar. I am thrown curve balls. That is life. So, I pull out my phone and look at what I was to do during that time, and see what can be moved to the next day or later. At the end of the day, did I hit everything on that calendar? No. But I was in control. I don't feel defeated because I know I did my best. Have I conquered time management? Not yet, but I'm gaining ground in this battle!
Getting over an obstacle isn't impossible or hopeless. It takes focus, goal setting and making that goal, dream or finish line
HIGHER than the obstacle. Then deal with the obstacle. Don't brush it aside or wish it away. It will return because you have given it power to do so. Dig in and learn how you can overcome.
What I have found when dealing with an obstacle, I talked to a friend who had the
fruit on the tree. I read books on that topic, knowing the author had nailed it! Last but not least, be positive. Your attitude and words reflect what you are dwelling on. When you take a positive battery and a negative battery and try to put them together, they deflect! Make your positive battery bigger, the negative needs pushing out!
Together, let's conquer these obstacles.